Free Trial
Test out a limited feature copy of our PG - Solo Version for 10 days!
PhotoGoFer - Solo Upgrade
Free Trials can be upgraded to the premium PG - Solo subscription after the trial period by purchasing an upgraded license. In this case any data you have processed will be moved into the premium version.
10-day Free Trials are available for those interested in testing our software before purchasing it. The Free-Trial is a limited feature version of PG-Solo that allows you to test the main features available in both paid versions. Click the button on the left to send an email request.
PhotoGoFer - Team Upgrade
PG - Team Subscriptions can be purchased at any time. At this time data that has been processed in the Free Trial or premium PG - Solo versions cannot be migrated to the cloud-based PG - Team version. If you think the Team Version is the best option for you, we recommend you test out the features in the Free-Trial version with some data, but don’t process a lot of your data because it will have to be reprocessed to get it into the cloud database / storage. (We are hoping to incorporate data migration from the Free/Solo versions as well, as from previously classified data using other systems, in future PhotoGofer updates.)